The Fundamentals of Safe Commissioning
Learn how to improve your safety practice and support the safety of journalists you commission
in this self-paced course for news editors and managers. Please allow at least 3 hours for completion.
in this self-paced course for news editors and managers. Please allow at least 3 hours for completion.
Self-paced learning
Designed to suit a range of knowledge levels and learning styles (3-4 hours in total)
Interactive exercises
Quizzes and scenarios to practice your skills and test your learning progress.
Tools & templates
To download and use
during and after the course.
during and after the course.
Course certificate
Provided on completion.
Write your awesome label here.
Interviews with leading editors & journalists
Throughout the course, award-winning editors and journalists from around the world share their views, experiences and tips about safe commissioning.
On completion, you will be able to:
Understand your safety role and responsibilities as an editor
Understand Duty of Care and practice safe commissioning
Conduct a safety self-assessment and work on risk assessments with journalists
Know procedures for incident reporting and develop safety protocols
Make sound editorial vs safety decisions
Support psychological wellness for yourself and your team